Have you ever wonder what to do with your live..
I mean what you gonna do,
With who you gonna be.. some relationship just gonna ended with breakup or married..
I always scare to meet with the wrong people.. I want to be a journalist but I have applied for many jobs for journalist but end up being rejected.. I apply for veterinary because I love pet soo much also nothing happens.. in my country finding the jobs is harder as a mother giving the birth..
you will get the jobs but not your dream jobs..
After a hundred of applying the jobs and a few interview .. I decided to doing my own bussiness which is a photographer.. I have got a many customer.. but with mine camera the picture not really satisfied them.. so I'm now try a new bussiness. Guess what? I open a new restaurant. A western food actually.. I hope this last longer than anything else I do..
Soo back to the right person.. after watch a sweet married couple in the public.. I believe many of you guys including me , feel like want to married.. but believe me find a right guys also harder as a mother giving a birth..
we want a perfect guy.. believe me perfect guys doesn't exist. Soo we looking for the guys that have a jobs a house or we can say, the guy that stable.
For me I afraid that I found the guy like my step father or even my own father.. what did I mean with that is the guy that unresposible.. don't care about their wife and children.. I don't what to be strong all the time..
I want someone that I can cry in the shoulder or someone that will give life.. someone that give the best for their family.. not someone that reliable to the wife to do all the jobs.. or someone that just disappeared from his children and wife.. I want someone that when I was with him I feel peace.. I don't need to worry because I know he do the best he can..
If anyone can change you life is you..
Don't listen to what people want..
But what you hurt want.. for your own happiness.. don't make a wrong choice but if you do learn from it..